Ridgeline Solutions
Permit Acquisition, Traffic Control and Worksite ProtectionSafety In Complexity
At Ridgeline, we routinely navigate complex encroachment, excavation, and traffic permit requirements as approval and safety are paramount during builds. Controlling traffic around installation projects is especially important for keeping workers, pedestrians, inspectors and motorists safe.
Build projects with Ridgeline designs benefit from our deep knowledge of municipal traffic regulations and our relationships with the agencies responsible for enforcement. We have decades of experience coordinating permitting and plans with state and local transportation departments, railroads, bus services, and transit authorities to smoothly implement short-term traffic control strategies. When required, we coordinate with emergency services, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies (including DOT and Caltrans).
Ridgeline prepares permits weighing in the industry’s safety risks better than anyone. Our team is trained to recognize and prepare for hazardous work site conditions. We strictly follow state and federal guidelines to ensure the safety of crews and the community.
Safety In Complexity
At Ridgeline, we routinely navigate complex encroachment, excavation, and traffic permit requirements as approval and safety are paramount during builds. Controlling traffic around installation projects is especially important for keeping workers, pedestrians, inspectors and motorists safe.
Build projects with Ridgeline designs benefit from our deep knowledge of municipal traffic regulations and our relationships with the agencies responsible for enforcement. We have decades of experience coordinating permitting and plans with state and local transportation departments, railroads, bus services, and transit authorities to smoothly implement short-term traffic control strategies. When required, we coordinate with emergency services, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies (including DOT and Caltrans).
Ridgeline prepares permits weighing in the industry’s safety risks better than anyone. Our team is trained to recognize and prepare for hazardous work site conditions. We strictly follow state and federal guidelines to ensure the safety of crews and the community.

Permitting and Traffic Control services include:
- Thorough review and completion of all application requirements for encroachment, excavation and right-of-way and easement use
- Implementing the guidelines in the WATCH (Work Area Traffic Control Handbook) and MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
- Professional Engineer Stamped plans
- Designing custom, site-specific traffic control plans
- Creation of M&PT – Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Plans
- Creation of Traffic Phasing Plans
- Displaying all appropriate warning and regulatory signs
- Coordinating the deployment of flaggers
- Use of appropriate channelizing devices, barricades, and dimension tables
Work Site Protection services include:
- Traffic analysis and coordination of temporary traffic control with local agencies
- Partner with Traffic Control Management field teams in the creation of official work zones
- Comprehensive compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including OSHA
- Mandatory, routine review of safety handbooks and training programs
- Notifications to underground service alert (811)
- Hazard identification
- Start-to-finish incident recording, if required as part of inspection
Permitting and Traffic Control services include:
- Thorough review and completion of all application requirements for encroachment, excavation and right-of-way and easement use
- Implementing the guidelines in the WATCH (Work Area Traffic Control Handbook) and MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
- Professional Engineer Stamped plans
- Designing custom, site-specific traffic control plans
- Creation of M&PT – Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Plans
- Creation of Traffic Phasing Plans
- Displaying all appropriate warning and regulatory signs
- Coordinating the deployment of flaggers
- Use of appropriate channelizing devices, barricades, and dimension tables
Work Site Protection services include:
- Traffic analysis and coordination of temporary traffic control with local agencies
- Partner with Traffic Control Management field teams in the creation of official work zones
- Comprehensive compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including OSHA
- Mandatory, routine review of safety handbooks and training programs
- Notifications to underground service alert (811)
- Hazard identification
- Start-to-finish incident recording, if required as part of inspection